05: I told you I'd write
Some updates from the podcast as Donna Sørensen joins as co-host, plus an essay on how I ploughed on when the going got tough.
Hello sailors!
I told you I'd email on Friday, didn't I? And here I am. True to my word. Like a politician or a Lannister.
Anyway, it's been a hectic week, as most of them are with eight-month old twins knocking about the place. But I did find time to record the Write for Your Life podcast with Donna Sørensen, poet, copywriter and my actual sister-in-law. She's the official co-host now. You can listen to this week's episode here. It's quite good, I think.
Continuing the audio theme, I finally started my new, one-man podcast called Very Meta. It's a bit like a behind the scenes thing, but I also talk about other stuff, like publishing, technology, and Bon Jovi. It's on Soundcloud and there's a Very Meta website on Tumblr too.
Changing tone completely and abruptly, it was three years to the day yesterday that my auntie passed away after a short, sharp bout of having a tumour on her brain. I miss her loads and last year I wrote a short essay about how I'd been doing final edits on A is for Angelica when it was all happening.
The piece was only ever seen by the 100 or so people who were signed up to the Read & Trust newsletter. By way of assuring you that it's possible to be creative when life gets tough, I thought I'd send it to you wonderful people too. The essay is called Ploughing.
Download and read Ploughing now (113KB PDF)
Okay, that's more than enough words for now. If you think someone else would like to get these emails, do tell them about it.
Firm, uncomfortable embraces.
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