04: A quiet sort of year

Hello everyone

It’s been a while, hasn’t it?

I set up home in The Broome Cupboard some time last summer and sent a couple of lovely emails to you before stopping somewhat abruptly.

To be honest with you, very little has happened since then, apart from the following.

Well, I’m here to tell you that The Broome Cupboard is back. From now on, I’ll be sending out regular, exciting emails packed with links, lovely stuff and not a little nonsense, all with a specific bent towards reading and writing, naturally.

Starting this week, I plan to hit send every Friday, working my way into your inbox like a friendly mouse with a knapsack of tasty Frazzles. And I will give you those Frazzles. Metaphorically.

But of course, don’t forget, you can always unsubscribe from this list and never hear another word from me again. The Broome Cupboard door is always unlocked. I’ll be upset about your departure, make no mistake, but the option is always there via the link in the footer.

Before I go, I must tell you that Nathan Filer’s debut novel, The Shock of the Fall, is absolutely brilliant and you must buy it. Honestly, you’ll be bowled over.

That’s it. Many cuddles. Speak to you soon. Via email.
