An update on what the heck is going on
You may have noticed that I’ve not been updating the site as much recently, and that things have generally gone a bit quiet since I announced my book deal for A is for Angelica.
It’s partly because I’ve been working hard on editing the novel, fussing over details and thinking about how I’m going to get it into as many readers’ hands as possible. But there are other things too. Exciting things.
One of those things you may have heard me talk about on the podcast. In the not too distant future (as in soon), Write for Your Life will become (or as I like to call it).
The site will look different, include more information about me and my writing, but the blog will very much remain the primary focus. This will still be a site for writers and readers, and I hope that it will be bigger and better.
I tell you this now because I’ve decided not to update the site again until the new version goes live. Instead, I’m going to concentrate on Angelica through this final stretch, and on those other things that I mentioned above, which are currently a bit of a secret, although I’ll no doubt share them at some point.
In fact, if you’re one of the 100 or so people who have kindly signed up to The Broome Cupboard, my special newsletter, you’re about to find out what I’m talking about in the next couple of days. Let’s just say the first half of 2012 has been, to say the least, rather life-changin.
Of course, if you haven’t yet signed up to The Broome Cupboard, now is totally a good time to do so.
So that’s it for now. The new site should be here pretty soon, it just depends on how much free time I get to make final tweaks. If you want an idea of the colour scheme, head to my updated Twitter profile. I’m also updating my Facebook page quite regularly. Recent highlights include a picture of an uncorrected proof copy of Angelica!
And of course, there’s the podcast. We’re still recording weekly and I’ll let you now here when a new episode is up.
Lots happening. Exciting times!
Many cuddles,
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