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Iain Broome

I'm the author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Every week, I send Draft Mode, a newsletter full of tips and tools that help you improve your craft and promote your writing.

Draft Mode

My new pencil case

Nothing exciting to report this week. That is, nothing to report apart from the fact I have a new PENCIL CASE. This bad boy (pictured below) came all the way from Papersmiths in London and was one of my excellent father's day presents. My pencil case isn'

My new pencil case
Draft Mode

Not all stories are like other stories

Thank you to every one who took the time to answer my two-question survey last week. It's still online if you'd like to join in and tell me what you want from this newsletter []. The results were interesting [https://verymeta.

Not all stories are like other stories
Draft Mode

What from the writing shed?

It's been a little while. The first Sheffield Content Club [] went very well indeed. We managed to have a nice break with the kids [] over their school holidays. And this is happening too [

What from the writing shed?
Draft Mode

Being honest is what counts

It's been a super-busy week with yet another national holiday here in the UK on Monday. That's two weeks of school holidays followed by three four-day weeks. For most people, this is excellent news. For someone who is self-employed [] with three kids, it

Being honest is what counts
Draft Mode

If Captain America wore modesty shorts

I am not a person who watches superhero movies. And yet this weekend I got roped into seeing the new Avengers film at the cinema with nine of my in-laws. Dressed as Captain America. Or Captain America if he wore a cycling bib and modesty shorts. Having watched the movie,

If Captain America wore modesty shorts
Draft Mode

Show me your city

I trust you are totally marvellous. It's been school holidays followed by Easter weekend here, which means I've been up to my eyes in childcare, snot and absolute nonsense. I've also been busy putting things in place for the first Sheffield Content Club [http:

Show me your city
Draft Mode

It should feel like a salary

It's school holidays here, so things are even more hectic than usual. Seriously. I need a long lie down. As such, I have no pithy introduction for you. Instead, perhaps you would like to see what my actual writing shed [] looks like

It should feel like a salary
Draft Mode

We must keep going

Yesterday our postperson popped my pre-order of Austin Kleon’s new book through the letterbox. I immediately took a picture and posted it on Instagram. Because that’s what we do now. This was my caption. > Hooray! My pre-order arrived early. Living through the shitshow of Brexit, never have

We must keep going
Draft Mode

Standing at the sky's edge

Last week, I went to see a musical called Standing at the Sky’s Edge []. It’s set in my adopted city of Sheffield and features the songs of Richard Hawley [], a Sheffield native whose music I’ve

Standing at the sky's edge
Draft Mode

A lack of slack

Sorry about the two-week delay. First I put my foot through the stairs in our house and then I got sick. I tried to battle on, but some things had to go. The good news is that the experience has got me thinking about what it means to work with