Talking about my favourite album on Inquisitive
I appeared on episode 56 of Inquisitive on [] to talk about my favourite album, Damien Rice’s O. is a great podcast network set up last year by my internet pal and former co-host of the Write for Your Life
A is for Angelica the audiobook available now
One month earlier than expected, I’m pleased to say that the audiobook version of A is for Angelica [] is now on sale. Read with a Yorkshire lilt by Tim Bruce [], it is complete, unabridged and I think it sounds great.
Small Product Lab days 8–10: Losing track and light launching
I start by telling you that the Writing Style Guide Starter Kit [] is now available to buy. I didn’t follow the exact Small Product Lab [] (SPL) guidelines in the last couple of days, but I did launch my product bang
Small Product Lab (Days 5–7): Rethink, pre-order, pricing
[] Time for another update on my progress with Gumroad’s Small Product Lab []. We’re at a point now (Day 8) where I’m panicking about whether I’ll get my product out on time, so I’m going to write
Small Product Lab (Days 3–4): Landing page and showing my work
It is day four of my foray into creating and launching a product in 10 days []. In my case, the product is a package of three writing style guide templates [] – the above image is the first glimpse of what they look
Small Product Lab (Days 1–2): Deciding and planning
I’m taking part in Gumroad’s Small Product Lab [], which gives me 10 days to take an idea from just that to an actual thing that people can buy. I’ll be writing about the process here on my blog and this is my first
Albums to write to
Sometimes I write in silence but most of the time, I listen to music. Songs with vocals and actual words tend to be more difficult to write to, but it depends on how I’m feeling. My list here contains a good mix of albums that I turn to often
Coming soon: A is for Angelica, the audiobook
I’m tickled pink to tell you that Oakhill Publishing [] has bought the UK rights to the audiobook version of A is for Angelica [], my debut novel. It’s in production now and will be available in libraries from 15 September 2015.
10 things you didn't know about A is for Angelica
It’s three years since my debut novel, A is for Angelica [], was published. I’ve talked about it plenty, especially on my podcast for writers [], but there are still a few things that you may not know. 1. When I started
A is for Angelica: The Legend Press Collection available now
The special edition of my debut novel, A is for Angelica [], was published today, 20 April 2015. You can buy it in paperback from all good book shops in the UK. If you go in and it’s not on a shelf, speak to someone and