Full-time at Cornerstones Education
If you listen to the Write for Your Life podcast [http://iainbroome.com/podcast] , which you absolutely should, you may have heard me say on episode 138 [http://5by5.tv/wfyl/138] that I am back in full-time employment. I thought I should confirm as much here. And yes, it’
Writing and wellness
Last month, I answered some questions about writing and wellness as part of Colleen Story’s interview series with authors. You can read the interview right here on her site [http://www.writingandwellness.com/2014/10/30/featured-writer-on-wellness-iain-broome/] . I have to say, the process got me thinking. Writing and wellness.
Do you need a literary agent?
Video time again and this week, or last week actually, if we’re being specific about it, I talked about literary agents. One of the questions I’ve been asked most frequently by writers in the last couple of years is: ‘Do I need a literary agent?’ It seems to
Creative writing courses and 'professionalism'
I recorded my first vlog of 2014 (I know, it’s October) to talk about the recent comments from Horace Engdahl, who is part of the panel that decide who gets the Nobel Prize for Literature. You can watch the video in the player on this site or over on
A is for Angelica 99p on Amazon UK
I got wind today that A is for Angelica [https://www.iainbroome.com/angelica], my debut novel, is available for all right-thinking readers to buy on Kindle for just 99p at Amazon UK [http://www.amazon.co.uk/A-Angelica-Iain-Broome-ebook/dp/B008E7W180/ref=pd_rhf_gw_p_img_1] . The offer
Website v5
Update: This site is now on version 6, changing with the winds like any website can and should. Still a nice potted history though. Today I’m unveiling what is pretty much version five of my website. There are a few crinkles here and there, especially with old podcast episodes
Relay FM
My friend and former podcasting co-host [http://5by5.tv/wfyl/34], Myke Hurley, has started telling people about his new podcast network, Relay FM [http://relay.fm]: > Relay FM is an independent podcast network for people who are creative, curious and maybe even a little obsessive — just like its
On picking up a Coventry Inspiration Book Award 2014
Here I am looking all serious. I am happy inside. I travelled to Coventry last Wednesday to pick up my Inspiration Book Award for A is for Angelica [https://www.iainbroome.com/angelica], which won in the Word of Mouth category. It was a fantastic ceremony and far grander than
Build an Online Platform for Your Writing
On 31 May, I’m going to be running my first ever writing masterclass [http://writingyorkshire.org/build-an-online-platform-for-your-writing-a-masterclass-with-iain-broome/] , supported and hosted by the fine folks at Writing Yorkshire [http://www.writingyorkshire.org]. It’s going to be about how to build an online platform and I’m really looking forward
Finding a new kind of normal
I’m the one in the middle. The last two years have been a time of huge change in my life. Those of you who listen to the podcast [https://www.iainbroome.com/angelica] or follow me on Twitter [http://twitter.com/iainbroome] will know that most of it has