Why cycling to Paris is like writing a book
In this exciting video I talk about the time I cycled from London to Paris to raise money for the Stroke Association [http://www.stroke.org]. Turns out that it’s a lot like writing a novel. Painful yet ultimately rewarding. Much chafe cream is needed. You can also watch
A new home for Websites for Writers
In 2009 I set up a site called Websites for writers that showcased, well, websites for writers. It was pretty popular but ultimately, I decided to focus on this blog instead, and more importantly, writing A is for Angelica [https://www.iainbroome.com/angelica]. Knowing I wouldn’t go back
Depressing books
I’m vlogging again and this is my first attempt [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=22tiOBqWhrI] at using the fancy cut scene style as favoured by half of YouTube. What do we really mean when we say a book or other piece of art is depressing? And when we
Vote for A is for Angelica in the People's Book Prize
A is for Angelica [https://www.iainbroome.com/angelica], my debut novel, is one of the books nominated for the Spring 2013 People’s Book Prize [http://www.peoplesbookprize.com/section.php?id=6]. If you read and enjoyed A is for Angelica, it would be very kind and most
70Decibels (including the Write for Your Life podcast) acquired by 5by5
Some exciting news. As you know, the Write for Your Life podcast [https://www.iainbroome.com/podcast] is part of the 70Decibels network, founded by my pal and occasional co-host, Myke Hurley. Well, 70Decibels [http://70decibels.com] has been acquired by the hugely successful and rather splendid 5by5 network [http:
Take a look at my bookshelves
Legend Press, the wonderful organisation that saw sense to publish my debut novel, A is for Angelica [http://static.squarespace.com/static/5372a141e4b04835e33e0a56/53f110cee4b03f01c3e8052e/53f11a54e4b03f01c3e9077a/1408309844739/a-is-for-angelica?format=original] , have been running a series throughout February, where they post bookshelves submitted by their authors. Last week it was my turn.
Dave Caolo's writing setup
Please welcome professional scribbler and all-round good egg, Dave Caolo, who has kindly offered to tell us all about his writing setup. You can find other writing setups right here [http://static.squarespace.com/static/5372a141e4b04835e33e0a56/53f110cee4b03f01c3e8052e/53f11a5ae4b03f01c3e9083f/1408309850309/writing-setups?format=original] . Who are you and what do you write?
Stephen Hackett's writing setup
The latest edition of my writing setups series comes from Stephen Hackett, writer and founder of the tremendous 512 Pixels blog and podcast, and fellow 70 Decibels [http://70decibels.com] gang member. Here he is with a minimal writing machine tale that I can more than relate to. Who are
David Griffin's writing setup
This is the second installment of my new writing setup series [http://static.squarespace.com/static/5372a141e4b04835e33e0a56/53f110cee4b03f01c3e8052e/53f11a5ae4b03f01c3e9083f/1408309850309/writing-setups?format=original] , where I ask writers of all shapes and sizes to share the tools they use to do their work. Big thank you to David Griffin for submitting
Keep your writing app open
There are many techniques and methodologies and goodness knows what else that claim to help you with your productivity [https://www.iainbroome.com/blog/10-turn-offs-for-restless-writers-and-pen-shy-procrastinators] . For writers, there is often a battle to get started, but the keeping going, that’s also tough [https://www.iainbroome.com/blog/commitment], what