The problem with link posts
Redesigning your website provides an opportunity to take stock and think about what you’re doing. You get to look at what works well and what doesn’t, and assess whether your approach [] is still appropriate. As you know, I’ve just done all
Welcome to my new website
Welcome to, previously Write for Your Life. If you read regularly or listen to the podcast [] (which is keeping the Write for Your Life name), then you’ll know I’ve been planning to change things around here for a little while. With
01: Double dose of news
The first dispatch from The Broome Cupboard and it contains two pieces of exciting news. Well, three actually!
Buy A is for Angelica, my debut novel
I had to take a quick break from my short blogging hiatus to tell you that A is for Angelica is now available to pre-order from Amazon in the UK []
An update on what the heck is going on
You may have noticed that I’ve not been updating the site as much recently, and that things have generally gone a bit quiet since I announced my book deal for A is for Angelica []. It’s partly because I’ve been working hard on editing
You do other things when you're not on the internet
So I’ve been working on my novel [] over the last month or so, which has meant that I’ve had less time for blogging, tweeting [] and other internet-based affairs. The first few days I felt an acute sense of hey, who
Book marketing for beginners: say something
I was at the opticians the other day (I’ve been trying to get contact lenses sorted, but my stupid eyes don’t seem to be compatible. It’s extremely annoying. Are they supposed to be a bit itchy? A bit uncomfortable? Answers in the comments are welcome.) when something
Why writers need to be ready for and willing to change
As I’m busy working on edits to my novel, I thought I’d record a quick video about the idea of change when it comes to writing. We all like to plan for things and it’s certainly sensible to have a good idea of what you’re doing
What are you trying to achieve with your novel?
Since my announcement last week [], I’ve been going through old drafts of A is for Angelica and making final edits on the novel before publication. It’s made for fascinating reading. For example, I wrote the following commentary as part of my final submission for
A very special announcement
I’ve been wanting to say this for quite some time: A is for Angelica, my first novel, will be published on 1 September 2012 []. Yes, it’s true. Last week, I signed a contract with Legend Press [