Why great writing takes great sacrifice
I believe that at some point, if you’re to write that great novel or complete your half-finished manuscript, you will have to make some sort of significant sacrifice. You will have to make writing your number one priority. And that’s not easy to do. Life is a funny
Be mindful about your writing
Valerie Douglas guest posting on Emily Chand’s site, Novel Publicity: > There are people out there more than willing to prey on our hopes and dreams, and many authors will pay almost anything to realize those dreams. I know one writer who put thousands of dollars of his own
Thinking about blogging
I’ve been thinking about blogging recently. How others do it. The things I’ve learned. Writers create, write and keep up blogs for a number of reasons. Many do it to help promote their work or to build an audience while they’re working on a novel, play, magazine
Creation always trumps consumption
David Tate writing at Certain Extent [http://blog.davidtate.org/2011/12/the-dangerous-effects-of-reading/]: > If the world overwhelms you with its constant production of useless crap which you filter more and more to things that only interest you can I calmly suggest that you just create things that you like
Nicola Morgan: how to write a great synopsis
Nicola Morgan is the author of around ninety books for all ages, fiction and non-fiction. To writers she is known for the no-nonsense expert advice in her blog, Help! I Need a Publisher! [http://helpineedapublisher.blogspot.com/] and her highly acclaimed book for writers, Write to be Published [http://www.
How to sync Scrivener with any text editor (and go mobile too)
I’ve just spent the last hour or so transferring all the bits and pieces of my second novel into Scrivener [http://www.google.co.uk/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=scrivener&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CEEQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.
iBooks Author changes a lot, but not everything
Apple has just announced iBooks Author for Mac [http://www.apple.com/ibooks-author/] amidst a whole host of other announcements [http://www.apple.com/education/#video-textbooks] destined to further shake up the publishing industry. iBooks Author gives the everyday you and me a simple, drag and drop interface with which
Blogging in 2012
I was going to share some of my upcoming plans for Write for Your Life, but I’ve heard so much about what other people are doing in 2012, I decided against it. I figured that maybe you’ve also had your fill of writing resolutions and things to look
Being social
You’re a writer, right? And you’ve got your own blog about writing? Of course you do. Everybody is and everybody does. So you need a profile. You need to spread the word about your work. You need to do social media. Or something. You’ve had a Twitter
Don't just do it, do it properly
Chuck Wendig wrote about self-publishing and it’s the best thing I’ve read on the internet this year [http://terribleminds.com/ramble/2011/12/12/the-precarious-portentious-perils-of-self-publishing/] . You see, I have a problem here on Write for Your Life. Most people who read the site know that I have an