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Iain Broome

I'm the author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Every week, I send Draft Mode, a newsletter full of tips and tools that help you improve your craft and promote your writing.


Why you should enter writing competitions and submit your work to magazines

Some sensible reasons why entering your work into writing competitions might be a really good idea.

Why you should enter writing competitions and submit your work to magazines

On blogging and writing advice

I couldn’t agree more with this post over at The Renegade Writer [] by Linda Formichelli. I like this bit, especially: > Well, yes — you want to establish your expertise. But what I’ve found is that many bloggers make inflated claims

On being on submission

As many of you wonderful people will know, my novel is currently on submission, which means it’s being looked at by editors having been sent to them by my agent. It’s not something I’ve talked about in detail at all, either here or anywhere else on the

Dealing with heartbreaking critiques

A fantastic post about how to deal with feedback on your writing from Melissa Donovan at Writing Forward [] . It’s all sound advice, but I rather like this, final point: > Here’s where all the pain and suffering of receiving critiques finally

Unbound to be the Kickstarter of publishing?

We talked about Unbound [] yesterday in episode 14 of the podcast [], but I thought it worth another mention. From the Unbound site: > Unbound is a new way of bringing authors and readers together. We believe both deserve a greater say

Julia Donaldson: being a bestseller and push, push, pushing

Interview by Donna Sørensen Julia Donaldson doesn’t need much of an introduction. I bet if you were to accost a British child in the street (not that I am recommending you do) and ask them to name any children’s author, they would likely say, Julia Donaldson. She has,

Bad reasons for not showing your writing

This is a nice post from over at Get Me Writing [], and this is a point I very much agree with: > … if you’re showing people for feedback, and you’re worried about them stealing it, you don’t trust them. If you

Take stock and think ahead when you get extra time to write

For most of us, it’s the Easter holidays. If like me, you live in the UK, there’s also another bank holiday next week, for the Royal Wedding. If like me again, you’ve taken the days inbetween off work too, you’re looking at a nice chunk of

My interview for Singularity Magazine

Towards the end of lat year I was asked by Vincent Tan if I would give an interview for his Singularity Magazine []. I said yes and really rather enjoyed the experience. In it I talk about Write for Your Life, A is for Angelica (my novel)

A writer's virtues: patience and persistence

Last month I recorded an episode about the problems writers have when working on long projects []. It seemed to strike a chord, so I thought I’d write this follow-up piece. Everyone’s a writer How many people, after you’ve told them that you are