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Iain Broome

I'm the author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Every week, I send Draft Mode, a newsletter full of tips and tools that help you improve your craft and promote your writing.

Focus on your own bits and pieces

Uncle Seth (Godin) has some excellent words of advice today [] : > Like many authors, I was briefly addicted to the Amazon bestseller list. Every hour, you can check how you’re doing. The problem (other than the insane non-productiveness of

Are writers forever riddled with guilt?

I think that guilt is a really interesting and relevant topic for writers. Let’s face it, most of us face a constant battle [] between our writing and real life. It can feel like a never ending shift from one to the other with sacrifices constantly

Accept your foibles and observe your writing patterns

In 2009, I wrote a blog post in which I said that writers should ignore anyone who told them that they had to always be writing if they wanted to legitimately be a writer []. Some people agreed, some people didn’t. That’s fine. In this

Reading books on the iPad

Randy Murray who writes over at the excellent First Today, Then Tomorrow []: > I will still buy printed books. I love them. But the barrier has been breached. It is so easy to purchase eBooks. There was one less heavy thing for me to haul around as

Why does it have to be a competition?

Michael Grothaus, writing on The Unofficial Apple Weblog (TUAW) [] looks at how Apple can improve the e-reading experience on the iPad. His main objection seems to be that, currently, reading on a screen isn’t book-like enough. My heart sank at the

Hell hath no fury like an author scorned

You may have heard about Jacqueline Howlett [], the indie author who last week responded spectacularly badly to a review of her novel []. It all got a bit unsavoury and soon spread across the internet. Occasional Write for Your

Does a writer have to have a blog?

Some wise words from Mr Uku [] , he of Will Write for Cake fame: > The one thing a writer’s blog should never be is a marketing campaign. Because that, more than anything else will suck all the fun out of blogging. So

Writing fear: what's the worst that can happen?

All writers get the fear [] from time to time. We either think we’re not good enough or don’t want to face the reality of starting up a new writing project. But really, when it comes down to it, what’s the worst that can

Writing for a living

As of today, internet pal and fellow Read & Trust [] member, Shawn Blanc [], is living the dream. His website is now his full-time job. He writes for a living []. Apart from being very pleased for him, I’

Writing with an iPad: six-month review

Last November, I recorded a podcast in which I talked about my shiny new iPad [] , what it was like to write with and how it was going to transform the way I work. This is my six month review. The draft machine I’ve said on