How did you fall in love with writing?
In this episode I present you with a simple question in the name of sharing our writing experiences: How did you fall in love with writing? I talk about how I came to love the writing process (or what follows, actually), but I’d be very interested to know what
How do you know what type of writer you are?
What sort of writer are you? A novelist? A copywriter? A screenwriter? And how did you decide which type of writer you would be? Considering how long it takes to write a novel, a book’s worth of short stories or collection of poems, we writers don’t half make
The heart, mind and murder test for writers
A few checks you can do to try and work out once and for all if your writing is – you know – any good.
3 reasons to be positive about your writing
Us writers are a negative bunch from time to time. We get needy about our work and think that the whole world is against us [], even if the exact opposite is true. We love a good whinge. That’s just how most of us are. In
Unknown and unpublished: enjoy it while it lasts
Guest post by Fiona Maddock [] I read shovel loads of stuff about how, when and why my first novel won’t be published. In fact, if I read too much more I’ll be buried under it and then I’ll never get anything done. I
The Mac App Store, iBookstore and the one-click wonder
Yesterday Apple launched the much-awaited Mac App Store []. People are buying Angry Birds [] all over again and a range of other applications that they don’t actually need []. Having downloaded the OSX (Apple’
How it feels to get your writing published for the first time
There are so many writers either just starting out or right in the middle of their quest to get published. But what does it feel like when you eventually get there and how do you keep your feet on the ground? In this episode I chat to Donna Sørensen, who
Happy birthday, merry Christmas and a look forward to 2011
Well here we are – the final post on Write for Your Life for 2010. It just so happens the site also turned two earlier this week, so this episode seems like a good opportunity to stop, say thank you to all you wonderful people and look ahead at what’s
10 tricks to help you feel like a writer
We don’t feature many list posts here on Write for Your Life, but once you start being silly about a subject, it’s very difficult to find any order for that silliness without the use of a list. I recently talked about being a healthy writer [
Come out of your writer's cave and keep in touch with reality
We writers have a habit of going all ‘solitary confinement’ every once in a while. We hole ourselves up in our writing caves, laptop at the ready with enough tea or coffee [] to last us that particular day, week, month or year. It’s another unhealthy