A healthy writer leads to healthy writing
I’ve been feeling rather sick this week with a particularly terrible bout of gentlemen’s influenza. And it got me thinking about a post called Self-care and Being Humble by Rachelle Gardner [http://cba-ramblings.blogspot.com/2010/10/self-care-and-being-humble.html], which I bookmarked a while ago. It’s a
Start searching if you want to find your writing voice
Voice. Voice, voice, voice. The holy Grail for every budding writer. We all set out on our writing journey desperately seeking that indefinable… thing. That special something that makes our creative work distinctly ours and ours alone. Our voice. Sadly, not everyone finds their writing voice. That’s why so
Top blogs for writers that I'm reading right now
The annual top 10 blogs for writers contest [http://writetodone.com/2010/11/11/nominate-your-favorite-writing-blog-5th-annual-top-10-blogs-for-writers-contest/] is taking place at the moment, which is marvellous, but rather than talk about why you should vote for this blog, I’m going to point you towards three others that I’m currently reading
Whatever you do, don’t be a needy writer
Before I crack on with this post, I should probably get one thing clear. This is as much a note to self as it is advice or comment. We can all be needy writers from time to time and I’m no different. But that doesn’t make it right.
Speak up and be a brave writer
Yesterday I took part in a Dragon’s Den style [http://www.bbc.co.uk/dragonsden/] pitching competition on behalf of The Workshop, the creative agency kind enough to employ me as a copywriter. The event was hosted by Clear Channel and you can see me in action here (3:
The best writing comes from the head, not the heart
Allow me to mount my high horse for a moment. I’ve found something to rant about. Since I started Write for Your Life and began blogging coming up to two years ago, I’ve found myself delighted and exasperated in equal measure. Delighted at the amount of writers working
Quality over quantity when it comes to practising your writing
This episode came about after reading a nice article by the designer, Frank Chimero [http://blog.frankchimero.com/post/1308140003/im-a-graphic-designer-but-i-feel-that-im-not-a-great] , where he talks about the need to write regularly as part of a practice routine. I agree mostly, but I also think that quality is more important than quantity.
10 typical questions from writers (that are really just fear in disguise)
Guest post by Emma Newman [http://www.enewman.co.uk] I’ve been writing for many years now. It’s the first thing I think about in the morning, and if I don’t get my daily fix, I’m just hell to live with. I’m ready to acknowledge
Using smell to improve your fiction
Guest post by Icy Sedgwick [http://blog.icysedgwick.com/] I was leaving my building this morning when I caught a strong whiff of something. I couldn’t identify the mystery smell but it provoked a rather unpleasant memory of a particularly rotten individual whom I wish I never had the
What to do when you’re… waiting
Writers are excellent waiters. We have to be. It’s part of our job description. In one way or another we scribes often find ourselves in a state of anticipation, whether we’re waiting to hear back from a prospective literary agent or on tenterhooks about feedback regarding the latest