This is how you get a literary agent or publisher
You know when you spend a couple of weeks thinking about and planning an awesome blog post? And then just as you sit down to write it you find someone else has done an equally awesome job elsewhere? Yeah. Well that’s happened. But it’s okay. It’s not
Jean Hannah Edelstein (part two): traditional media and marketing a book online
Back in May, Write for Your Life spoke to Jean Hannah Edelstein, author of Himglish and Femalese: Why Women Don’t Get Why Men Don’t Get Them [
Write smarter in Microsoft Word with Document Map
There are lots of alternatives when it comes to writing software. From simple but well-thought out text editing programs like WriteRoom [] to comprehensive all-in-one affairs like the highly-rated Scrivener []. However, I suspect the majority of writers still use
Ignore anyone who tells you to write, write, write!
In my relatively short time in the blogosphere, I’ve come to understand a couple of things. First, most people who blog about writing are passionate about it and, in my experience, very [] nice [] cyber-people [] indeed [http://twitter.
The importance of story structure
Guest post by Sophie Johnson [] We learn from a young age that all stories should have a beginning, middle and end. Whatever you’re writing, you should bear in mind that all forms of story need some sort of structure, whether you’re working on a
An ATM for books
Guest post by George Angus [] Imagine a book store that always has whatever book you are looking for in stock. Imagine that the title you are seeking could be in your hands at a traditional book cost in about 5 minutes. No ordering over the internet and
Find endless writing inspiration through Vimeo channels
Well, I’m in a relatively unique position as a fiction writer who also works full-time as a copywriter. What’s unique is that I’m a copywriter for a design company []. What’s even more unique is that we’re a design company that
Stand and deliver - five Ps for a perfectly acceptable performance
Guest post by Rex Davies [] Following on from Iain’s blog post about why bloggers should perform their writing [], I thought I’d offer some thoughts on the actual mechanics of delivery. I spend a fair portion of my
How CCTV can help improve your productivity
Okay, so as I mentioned in my post about prioritising your priorities [], I’m spending much of this summer editing my novel into shape. That’s because I now have a literary agent, which is very exciting, although not what this post is about.
Five fantastic computer programs for writers
This post is a few years old now and so a little out of date. However, I post a writing app of the week as well as a host of other articles and inspiration for writers in my fortnightly newsletter []. You can sign up below.