What do you keep in your writer's tool belt?
Guest post by Manuela Boyle [http://twitter.com/manuelaboyle] I never thought I’d say this, but I envy plumbers. They have a set of tools they need to do their job well, all shiny and useful, and they often wear them on their person, as if to say ‘I’
10 turn-offs for restless writers and pen-shy procrastinators
Writers don’t get it easy. Most of us spend our working lives sat at a computer screen. The very thing that’s supposed to help us write efficiently bombards us with distractions. But of course, it’s not just technology that keeps us from our hectic writing schedules. We’
Writing goals 1: Don't expect the unexpected
A new year has arrived and us writers have been pondering over our plans for the coming 12 months. Everyone’s been at it. Writer Dad [http://writerdad.com/living-well/new-year-new-opportunity] tells us to set achievable goals and commit to seeing them through, while Leo Babauta at Write to Done
10 things to write on in an emergency!
Once you abandon your muse [http://iainbroome.com/writers-abandon-your-muses-theyre-a-work-of-fiction] and accept the fact that other commitments in your life will sometimes prevent you from writing, you can prepare for the unexpected. When an idea arrives, wherever you are and whatever you’re doing, you need to be ready. The truth
Writers, abandon your muses – they’re a work of fiction!
The muse concept is still going strong. Writers often cite their muse, or lack of one, when they’re struggling to write. But I’m not having it.
Welcome to Write for Your Life
So, this is it. Write for Your Life is up and running. The idea(s) for this blog has been swimming around my brainbox for weeks and months. Years, in fact. Well, one year. And a half. That’s a long time in the think machine. It’s great to