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Draft Mode

Tools for writing sprints

Plus writing full time, essential newsletters and finding an agent.

Tools for writing sprints
Draft Mode

Fantastic newsletters for writers

Plus writing income, Notion goodness, and building an audience that buys your book.

Fantastic newsletters for writers
Draft Mode

New ways to build a membership

Plus a planning tool, reading cheat sheet and writing from multiple viewpoints.

New ways to build a membership
Draft Mode

Best story outlining apps

Plus Dolly Parton, writing habits and a way to support Unslush via Ko-fi.

Best story outlining apps
Draft Mode

Unslush the directory is coming soon

Plus save the arts, open a shop, learn to storyboard and much more!

Unslush the directory is coming soon
Draft Mode

Insta novels, note libraries and building a YouTube audience

Plus outlining tips, a Scrivener guide and a chance to see my waffle.

Insta novels, note libraries and building a YouTube audience
Draft Mode

Story planning, naming things and reading fewer books

Plus how Cory Doctorow writes, a cover design tool and some sweet tunes.

Story planning, naming things and reading fewer books
Draft Mode

Writing desks, planning templates, and publishing essay collections

Plus Kurt Vonnegut, fiction writing rules and six-figure email courses.

Writing desks, planning templates, and publishing essay collections
Draft Mode

Mind mapping, time confetti and my current desk setup

Plus learning to publish, Josh Kaufman's research system and classic writing mistakes to avoid.

Mind mapping, time confetti and my current desk setup
Draft Mode

YouTube channels, selling your work, and how to self-publish a book

Plus other links on taking small steps, author bios and finding publishers.

YouTube channels, selling your work, and how to self-publish a book