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Draft Mode

Book design, Trello templates and how to use your notebook

Plus how to write a book and a very pretty weekly planner.

Book design, Trello templates and how to use your notebook
Draft Mode

Art and business, transcription software, open funding opportunities

Plus writing better content and a great new newsletter.

Art and business, transcription software, open funding opportunities
Draft Mode

Novel planning, advice for debut authors and writing in PowerPoint

Plus the results of my survey last week.

Novel planning, advice for debut authors and writing in PowerPoint
Draft Mode

Writer's block, research tools and what to tweet

Help me shape the newsletter!

Writer's block, research tools and what to tweet
Draft Mode

Writing courses, landing pages and how to read more books

More literary goodies than you can shake a stick at.

Writing courses, landing pages and how to read more books
Draft Mode

Writing sprints, blackout poetry and content ideas for your newsletter

Also featuring some exciting news of my own

Writing sprints, blackout poetry and content ideas for your newsletter
Draft Mode

Free audiobooks, a newsletter directory and the financial realities of publishing

Plus my guest appearance on the Home Work podcast

Free audiobooks, a newsletter directory and the financial realities of publishing
Draft Mode

Essential reading

Links to help you learn, understand and take action

Essential reading
Draft Mode

Podcasts for writers, music for working to and advice from some literary greats

10 links to some of the internet's best goodies

Podcasts for writers, music for working to and advice from some literary greats
Draft Mode

Your favourite links from the last six months

The most popular apps and articles from every newsletter

Your favourite links from the last six months