09: Cheap as chips
Bag yourself a copy of A is for Angelica for just 99p, podcast updates and a little dinosaur-based erotica.
Hello everyone
First, a thousand apologies for being the worst sender of regular emails in the history of sending people regular emails. It's been a crazy couple of months and frankly, having twin babies is often not at all conducive to, well, doing anything else.
That said, I've just put a reminder in my calendar that says I must write to you every week. And so I shall attempt as much.
Anyway, I bring you two pieces of good me-news. First, A is for Angelica has been on sale for just 99p on Kindle in the Amazon store, throughout October. And because it's an Amazon-led promotion, I still get what would be full-price royalties. Huzzah! (Editor's note: this turned out to be not true. Not true at all.)
If you haven't yet bought and read the novel, this would be a tremendous time to do so. And if you have, I'd be your actual best friend if you were to pass this information on to someone you know. Or everyone you know. That would be even better.
Here's the link again: A is for Angelica, 99p on Amazon for just a couple more days.
My second piece of good news is that I am now, finally, on the right track with writing novel number two. No information to share as yet, but I can tell you that by way of research, I've been reading Nabokov, learning about selective mutism, and spending time in the RSPB directory of birds. Make of that what you will.
Oh, a third thing. Last week, me and co-host Donna Sørensen recorded the 100th episode of the Write for Your Life podcast. That's a lot of talky talk, but with the show about to move to the 5by5 network, things are only just hotting up. Or something similar.
That's it for now. Apart from to point you towards this rather extraordinary niche genre I read about this week: Dinosaur-based erotica. I'm not joking. I mean, imagine. No don't. Don't even try. I said, stop trying!
I love you terribly,
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