Quality over quantity when it comes to practising your writing
This episode came about after reading a nice article by the designer, Frank Chimero, where he talks about the need to write regularly as part of a practice routine.
I agree mostly, but I also think that quality is more important than quantity. For me, it’s about the bits inbetween periods of writing that are important. Because that’s where you get to analyse what you’ve done and make changes.
I first responded to Frank’s article over at my personal blog, Broomeshtick, which led to the wonderfully named ‘tugs’ leaving a comment that pointed me towards another article on a blog called Lynda Teaches Art. It’s about drawing, but the message is similar to mine.
Finally, another response got me pondering even more. It really is that quality of thought that helps us practise and improve as writers, and we can do that by analysing and giving feedback on the work of others, as well as our own.
So there you go – watch away and see what you think!
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