The ebook version of A is for Angelica is now on sale
Today’s the day. The ebook version of my debut novel, A is for Angelica [http://iainbroome.com/angelica], is now available. If you’re in the UK, you can buy it on Kindle for just £0.99 [http://www.amazon.co.uk/A-is-for-Angelica-ebook/dp/B008E7W180/ref=tmm_kin_title_

The Mac App Store, iBookstore and the one-click wonder
Yesterday Apple launched the much-awaited Mac App Store [http://www.apple.com/uk/mac/app-store/]. People are buying Angry Birds [http://shop.angrybirds.com/] all over again and a range of other applications that they don’t actually need [http://minimalmac.com/post/450481389/its-not-a-bargain-if-you-dont-need-it]. Having downloaded the OSX (Apple’
Self-publishing and ebooks do not create a level playing field for writers
Watch this episode on YouTube [http://youtu.be/Rl4zuPP77sU] It’s all kicking off in the world of self-publishing and ebooks. The Kindle is now very affordable and the iPad is like the sexiest book in the world apart from a real sexy book that’s littered with filth and