Take a look at my bookshelves
Legend Press, the wonderful organisation that saw sense to publish my debut novel, A is for Angelica, have been running a series throughout February, where they post bookshelves submitted by their authors. Last week it was my turn.
Here’s what I said on the Legend blog:
‘I’ve always had too many books for whatever space I have lived in, so when we bought our first house last year, we made them a priority! As you can see, with some repurposed Billy bookcases from Ikea, we’ve managed to create two sets of floor-to-ceiling shelves in our living room, either side of a toasty coal fire. Though I have been known to both alphabetise and colour code my books in the past, frankly, this time, I couldn’t be bothered. So there they all are. In no sensible order. Doing their thing.’
If you look closely, you may also notice that I employ two highly trained bodyguards to protect my books at all times. They don’t cause much trouble. Just give them a fancy chair and they’re happy as Larry.
Head to the Legend Press site to see bookshelves from the rest of the gang.
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