There's a new kid in town
And I need cuddles

I am still up to my eyes in new parenthood (again), so forgive the short email and small selection of links. If you missed my last update, Peggy Jean Broome was born on 28 November, which also happens to me my own birthday. Absolutely crackers.
Today is the morning after the general election here in the UK. It’s fair to say that once again the baddies won. Despite seeing it coming this time, I am absolutely crestfallen and feel sick to my stomach for all of those people this vote will affect the most.
I’m going to give myself the holiday period to reflect on what I personally ought to do about the situation. For my own sanity, I need to step away from reading the news and keeping up to date with all things Brexit. I’ve no idea how to do that though. Being informed is somewhat addictive.
There is, of course, one thing I must do. I need to find a way to finish writing this second novel. It’s hugely influenced by the events of the last three years and making art of any kind is a good way to both have a voice and give a voice to others.
Everything is temporary. Nothing last forever. The good will out. I’m going to spend some time cuddling my gorgeous Peggy while having a very big think about what’s to come in the new year.
What’s your book of the year?
In last week’s newsletter, I asked you to share your favourite book of 2019. Thank you and a virtual high-five if you are one of those who contributed to the discussion. If you’d like to add your own literary recommendation to what is already an excellent list, please feel free to share your own book of 2019.
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Links of the week
Every issue I collect and share the best advice, apps and other shenanigans that I find on my internet travels. If you like these, you’ll like The Daily Unslush too.

Is it okay to deface books for art?
This short piece by Austin Kleon is about defacing, chopping up and turning books into something new. But it’s also about how we often hold books up as some sort of magical object when really they’re just very thinly sliced trees. I’m very much a spine cracker. Can you tell?
Well now this is a really useful article with some great ideas for keeping your writing organised. I wrote A is for Angelica in Word and by the end had – I think – around 50 billion documents in only slightly fewer folders. It was an absolute mess until I resorted to a made-up Post It note system that got me through to the end. I’m definitely going to put some of the stuff here into practice.
The New Yorker’s Best Books of 2019
Just one in what will no doubt be a cavalcade of lists announcing the best of everything. Have to say, I have not read a single book on this particular list so I’ll be adding some of them to the ever-lengthening to-read pile.
Walling - A Better Way to Organise Ideas
There seem to be a few of these tools around at the moment. Walling almost look like a private Pinterest for your digital notes and I rather like the sound of that. It’s also got the same look about it as Notion, which I have used a little but not quite stuck to.
I’ve said it a 100 times in this newsletter, reading for me since having children has become something of a problem. I’m always tired and struggle to get into any sort of reading rhythm (see also writing). This article on Quartz includes some interesting techniques and I give it an extra 10 points for looking very pretty.
Tweets of the week
Tweets are but waxy nuggets in a world of dirty lugholes. But some of them are quite good. You can follow @iainbroome and @unslush on Twitter if you want.
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