Top blogs for writers that I'm reading right now
The annual top 10 blogs for writers contest is taking place at the moment, which is marvellous, but rather than talk about why you should vote for this blog, I’m going to point you towards three others that I’m currently reading and enjoying tremendously.
As I say in the clip, theses annual awards are extremely handy and usually provide a list of smashing blogs. But everyone’s top ten is different and the truth is, there can never be a definitive list. We all want different things from our writing-related reading material.
But please, please, please don’t think I’m having a go at the awards or that there’s an ulterior motive. As I say in the clip, the 2008 list was really valuable and helped me when I set up Write for Your Life. I guess I just don’t feel very comfortable writing a post specifically to tell you to tell someone else how awesome we are.
The top blogs I’m reading etc…
First up I’d like to point you to Bubblecow. It’s a great blog for writers, particularly fiction folk who want to learn more about the publishing industry and what it takes to get your work noticed. Practical advice. Nice people. Lovely stuff.
Second, run by James Bridle. James is something of an expert on technology and the publishing industry and speaks at events all over the world. His blog is a treat and hugely interesting, as are the links he provides to articles elsewhere. Go looksee.
Finally, the wonderful First Today, Then Tomorrow by Randy Murray. Not always writing-related, but consistently thought provoking, this is a great blog updated daily. Randy’s writing assignments are fantastic. Hugely recommended.
And that’s it. Of course, I’m reading lots of other blogs at the moment too (many not writing-related actually), but they’re the three I want you to visit and get an eyeful of right now. Watch the episode for more detail!
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